Brochures for each of the Rebbe's 12 Mivtzoim. To view brochures, click here:
Shabbat Candles
A House Full of Torah Books
Sefer Torah
Learning Torah
Jewish Education
TefillIN, the innovative, intuitive, user-friendly Tefillin stand, allows every Jew everywhere to put on Tefillin with elegance and ease.
Connect YourselfWe live in a fragmented world. People want to connect, to unite, to bond. The Creator gifted us with a binding element. Tefillin – binding people, binding worlds, binding hearts and minds.
Material: AluminumStand Height: 36 inches Top: 11 x 16 inches
See Sample Here
Clear Lucite Pushkah
A classy Pushkah gift for your community.
Includes a cutout for it to hang on the wall, opens with a magnetic lid.
Size: L: 3.5 inches x W: 3.5 inches x H: 5.5 inchesBox Sold SeparatelyOption With Food:Will include 2 Hamantashen and chocolate coins
Personal carrying case for Mivtza Tefillin. Convenient to use, it contains dedicated storage compartments for Tefillin, Tzedakah Pushka, Krias Shema and more
Celebrating the 50th Year of Mivtza Neshek - שנת החמישים למבצע נש״ק • תשל”ד - תשפ”דWe are thrilled to announce the launch of the Shabbat Lights Neshek Campaign, designed to broaden your impact in Mivtza Neshek.
Shabbat Lights Kit includes:A choice of 1 or 2 exquisite 5" chrome-plated candlesticksA stylish platform to showcase the candlestick inside the gift boxAn informative Neshek BrochureA beautifully designed gift box
Single Kits: Choose 1 or 2 Candlestick KitVolume Discount of 25+: Mix and Match 1 or 2 Candlestick KitsBulk Discount: 25 of a Specific Kit
THE SHABBAT LIGHTS GIFT BOX is geared to enhance the Mitzvah of Candle Lighting for women and girls who commit to lighting Shabbos Candles every week.
This new initiative has been sponsored and subsidized by the Vogel & Silberstein Familiesלע"נ השלוחה מרת משא בת הרה"ח שמואל מאיר וואגלIn loving memory of Mrs. Masha Vogel A"HShlucha of the Rebbe to Rochester, NYDedicated by her family
What to Expect at Chabad is a booklet about 10 facts/myths about Chabad. Created by Rabbi Yossi Yaffe of Chabad of the ShorelineSee Mailer Sample Here
See Square Sample Here
Celebrate Lag B'omer with these inflatables!
Standing tall at approximately 5 feet!
Perfect for adorning car roofs with secure ropes or enhancing any gathering area. Complete with a convenient pump that connects to your car or outlet with a USB. See the image for a visual preview!
Get yours now and make your event a blast!
24 Page Booklet 6" x 6" Produced by: Levi A. Reiter, Ph.D. Click here for sample
Levi A. Reiter, Ph.D.
Why is there an essential need for a new booklet on the Moment of Silence?
Isn’t it already known by Lubavitcher Chassidim, shluchim, and others that the Rebbe wants children in public schools to have a Moment of Silence, of contemplation before beginning their day? If that is the sum total of the Rebbe’s request then it would seem sufficient for Congress to mandate a short delay before beginning classes so that children have a moment to think in silence. In fact, several states have already succeeded in obtaining such mandates and more are on the way. If this is already happening, then indeed why publish a new booklet on the subject? I trust the following piece will answer this question.
I begin with a Yasher koach to shuchim and askonim who have worked to obtain congressional mandates for the MOMENT OF SILENCE policy in public schools.
However a key ingredient which the Rebbe requested still needs to be addressed. This is parental involvement.
A public school principal may require classes to begin with a moment of silence, but what thoughts will the students be thinking of as the seconds tick by?
The Rebbe required that parental cooperation be enlisted to encourage productive and wholesome thinking during those 60 seconds. For example, be kind to your classmates, respect your friend’s property, etc.
It is precisely the parental aspect which must be filled in. Congress can indeed mandate public school policy. Congress can never mandate that parents cooperate in the venture.
To this end a booklet is now available, entitled, “MOMENT OF SILENCE IN OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS: A CALL TO ALL PARENTS”. The booklet is entertaining, colorfully illustrated, and easy to read. It includes examples of thoughts to ponder in 60 seconds, as well as touching hand-written letters of public schoolers praising their own moment of silence program, and telling how it helped them in so many ways.
Most of all, the booklet will show parents how valuable their own personal role with the Moment of Silence experience will be in benefitting their children’s success in school and in life.
Even in states without a congressional mandate, a booklet of this kind can encourage parents who recognize the benefits and wisdom of the “moment of silence” to take it to their own public school PTA meetings, or even to their congress person.
These are the reasons why in addition to the great work put forth by our shluchim and askonim a booklet is needed which emphasizes the parents’ vital participation in the Moment of Silence campaign.
The Book that's changing the world
One brings you the little booklet with the big answers. In one neat, beautifully simple book, you’ll discover the universal laws and conducts that can create a better, more harmonious world for those who live in it.31 Page Softcover BookletSize: 4.13 in x 5.83 in
Available for download in other languages:English, Italian, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese.Visit for more details.
Attract them!Having a Shabbaton, woman's program Mivtziom booth? This beautiful banner will be sure to enhance your program.Backdrop mesures 6 ft. x 3 ft.This banner is L'Iluy nishmas Rivka bas Nochum and Raizel bas Alexander Zev.
Mivtzoim Brochure Display
This center proudly displays the 12 Mivtzoim brochures in an attractive manner.Display Top NOT INCLUDED
Brouchures not includedTops are available as "Welcome to Chabad Jewish Center" "Welcome to Chabad Lubavitch"The actual display dimensions without the top are 30”W x 5” 1/2D x 24”H. With the top add another 16” 1/2 in the height.