Lulav & Esrog
Lulav & Esrog Set- Mivtzoim מהודר
Lulav & Esrog Set- Mivtzoim מהודר Lulav: Quality Deri Lulav from the orchards of טירת צבי packed in hard plastic packaging - Under the Hechsher of בד"ץ העדה החרדית - ירושליםEsrog: From Luria orchards בד"ץ העדה החרדית - ירושלים, - Categorized Mivtzoim מהודר funder the Hechsher of Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi - Rov of Kfar Chabad.Hadassim: - 'מהודר א Hadassim in hard plastic packaging, under the Hechsher of Rabbi Moshe Bronsdorfer. Aravos: 2 Aravos for the US in vacuum pack.k.Zippered Lulav bag included
Lulav & Esrog Set - מהודר
Lulav & Esrog Set - מהודר Lulav: High Quality Deri Lulav מהודר א from the orchards of טירת צבי under the Hechsher of בד"ץ העדה החרדית - ירושלים, packed in hard plastic packaging.Esrog: From Luria orchards בד"ץ העדה החרדית - ירושלים, - Categorized מהודר funder the Hechsher of Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi - Rov of Kfar Chabad.Hadassim: - 'מהודר א Hadassim in hard plastic packaging, under the Hechsher of Rabbi Moshe Bronsdorfer. Aravos: 2 Aravos for the US in vacuum pack.Zippered Lulav bag included
Lulav & Esrog Set - Kalabria 'ב
Lulav & Esrog Set - מהודר - Kalabria 'ב Lulav: High Quality Deri Lulav מהודר א from the orchards of טירת צבי under the Hechsher of בד"ץ העדה החרדית - ירושלים, packed in hard plastic packaging.Esrog: Kalabria Esrog: Level בHadassim: - 'מהודר א Hadassim in hard plastic packaging, under the Hechsher of Rabbi Moshe Bronsdorfer. Aravos: 2 Aravos for the US in vacuum pack.Zippered Lulav bag included
Lulav & Esrog Set - Kalabria 'א
Lulav & Esrog Set - מהודר - Kalabria 'א Lulav: High Quality Deri Lulav מהודר א from the orchards of טירת צבי under the Hechsher of בד"ץ העדה החרדית - ירושלים, packed in hard plastic packaging.Esrog: Kalabria Esrog: Level א Hadassim: - 'מהודר א Hadassim in hard plastic packaging, under the Hechsher of Rabbi Moshe Bronsdorfer. Aravos: 2 Aravos for the US in vacuum pack.Zippered Lulav bag included
Deri Lulav - (Koreh)
High Quality Deri Lulav - (Koreh) High Quality Deri Lulav from the orchards of טירת צבי packed in hard plastic packaging - Under the Hechsher of בד"ץ העדה החרדית - ירושלים
Hadassim - Mehudar (Bransdorfer)
Hadassim - Mehudar (Bransdorfer)
2 Aravos for the US in vacuum pack.
Lulav Ring - 5 Pack
Lulav Ring - 5 Pack
Deri Lulav
Quality Deri Lulav Quality Deri Lulav from the orchards of טירת צבי packed in hard plastic packaging - Under the Hechsher of בד"ץ העדה החרדית - ירושלים