HEBREW, ENGLISH AND TRANSLITERATIONS: The entire text of the service is presented in Hebrew with an intuitive transliteration and translation, encouraging everyone’s confident involvement.
25 CROWD-FAVORITE SONGS: Transliterations of the most popular Hebrew songs for Simchat Torah and lyrics to many more English songs will turn clapping bystanders into eager participants.
STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS: Loud recitations and fast-paced dancing can leave newcomers feeling disoriented. Clear instructions map out the step-by-step order of the Hakafot service.
INTUITIVE LAYOUT, DESIGN AND ARTWORK: Crisp, easy-to-read fonts, lively color-coded sections and original artwork provide a visual guide to rejoicing with the Torah.
PERFECT SIZE: The Hakafot handbook is perfectly sized for reading while holding a Torah, or tucking into a pocket while dancing.
Splash-proof laminated cover.
Dimensions: Closed 3.5" x 5.5", Open 7" x 5.5"
© Created by Menachem Benchemon |
Printed with permission of Kehot Publication Society